7 Reasons to Invest In A Flyer Distribution Campaign in 2019

flyer distribution

You’ve probably experience some level of digital fatigue today. 

From all the emails, google and facebook ads, youtube and instagram story ads – they’re everywhere. 

Then you’ve seen those same ads be remarketed to you and follow you across the internet.  

As a result, we’ve built a 7th sense to avoid traditional online ads by deleting that email or scrolling past that ad. This is normal across the digital world. 

1. Digital Overload

If you head to your smartphone then head to your screen time data, you’ll be quickly learn how much time you spend on your phone [scroll left on your Iphone home screen].

I spend at least 4-6 hours on my phone answering emails, scrolling the latest marketing articles, trends and listening to podcasts.

I’ll admit I spend some time on Instagram too. 

Can you guess how many social ads, emails and banner ads the average person sees daily? Too many. 

Can you guess how most people respond to online ads today? The mind will unconsciously (or consciously) shut off. 

This means your online ad experience must get more personalized and creative. 

This also means that print ads, whether it be flyer, leaflet or door hanger distribution is a viable option to combat the massive digital overload.

2. Personal Touch 

As mentioned above, marketing online has become very competitive because it still works. 

In conjunction to your online ads, whether you use them or not, direct to door distribution with flyers and door hangers will help personalize your marketing efforts. 

Furthermore, your door hanger or flyer adds a tangible element your potential customer can touch and feel.

3. Building brand awareness 

You’ve heard of the golden marketing Rule of 7? 

Which is the idea that your potential customer will convert or respond higher to an ad, if they see it on average, 7 times. 

This doesn’t mean 7 times on Facebook or Google, or 7 different times a flyer or door hanger was delivered to the front door. 

But rather, all collectively. 

An omnichannel approach to your marketing efforts goes a long way because it helps boost trust and awareness. 

Think about it: if you see a business ad on Facebook, Google, Instagram, in your email inbox, on a forum, in a comment on Quora and then you receive a door hanger at the front door. 

What are your chances at looking at the ad for more than 2 seconds. 

Pretty high, right? 

I’m not saying you will convert there or then, or will ever convert in the future. 

But by utilizing your readers attention for more than 2 seconds through this omnichannel marketing, there’s a good chance they will remember you when they need someone to solve their problem that you have the solution for.

4. Print evokes response

Think about how many marketing emails you receive everyday – how many do you open and read? Just a few a week? 

What about hard mail ads? The ones delivered by your mailman and you’re probably throwing into the recycle bin?

Probably equal open rates to marketing emails right?  

There’s a common theme to marketing today. 

Marketing in 2019 requires personalization. The data shows this. 

You receive hundreds of emails and mail pieces in your mailbox – but you only have one front door. 

How long do you think you’ll spend reviewing a door hanger that has been personally delivered directly to your door? 

More than 2 seconds? 

If you answered yes, what do you think your value to the advertising company is? 

If you answered no, what do you think your value to the advertising company is?

The average distribution cost is less than half of a postage stamp.

If you multiply this by thousands of homeowners, and use the value figures you quickly calculated – you’ll have a predetermined value for the advertising companies door hanger or flyer campaign.

5. Print Evokes Trust 

In addition to the topic discussed earlier on the Golden Marketing Rule of 7, print evokes trust through it’s medium itself.

You’ve seen an ad in the paper, mail or magazine. 

Chances are you know these are legitimate companies advertising because the distribution companies filter those who are not. 

But what about the ads online?  

With all the “Fake News” talk, it’s hard to read what true anymore. 

There is the issue of bias research online. 

That is if you want to confirm you ideology or idea online, you can. 

You’ll easily find supporting ideas on whichever side you are on a topic – this is called confirmation bias. 

How could you then determine what idea is true and valid? 

Now, we won’t go into too much detail about this topic – but what does this say about online articles, ads, etc?

6. Narrow Targeting

When you’re deciding how to target your potential customer, you think “where does your potential customers hang out” 

In the digital realm, this means, what website do your customers typically visit? 

In the real world, this does mean the actual meaning of ‘hang out’. 

If you’re a realtor, you may be targeting homeowners, so you target homeowners/homes in the zip codes that best fit you with your door hanger distribution. 

A restaurant owner, you may be targeting both homeowners within a short radius of your restaurant. 

A car wash business, you may be targeting vehicles in town with your flyer distribution campaign. 

A SaaS company, maybe you target businesses in corporate or retail lots with. 

The possibility is limitless in any city across the nation.

7. Quick Results

One of the many key benefits to conducting a flyer or door hanger distribution campaign is the simplicity and quickness of your marketing test. 

Whether you run your own marketing campaigns or work with a marketing agency to help, you know most marketing campaigns take weeks to organize and set up. 

Print ads such as flyers and door hangers have the ability to get the word out within a much shorter time because of it’s simple nature. 

The steps to launching a door hanger or flyer distribution campaign include: 

  1. Identify your audience location 
  2. An attractive door hanger or flyer offer and design  
  3. Simple and straightforward marketing cost 
  4. Printing, tracking and distribution with an agency like RunAmplify

In conclusion, 

There are several reasons as to why print advertising through flyer and door hanger distribution still works. 

From the rise of digital overload and fatigue to building brand awareness and trust with your potential customer. 

Door hanger and flyer distribution carry the same ability to target your potential customer with clear and efficient cost structures with distribution via the support of direct to door print distribution companies

Is flyer distribution effective?

Yes it is. By combining an effective targeting strategy, with a good design and an amazing offer, you should see your potential audience take an action you’d wish.

How do you distribute business flyers?

Any staff member can distribute flyers to areas of your choice, whether it be a business to business, parked vehicle or direct to the front door distribution.

What is flyer distribution?

Flyer distribution is a marketing strategy to help an event, business or coupon to the public in a physical method through the use of printed flyers. This method is often used because it provides quick and immediate results.

What is the best way to distribute flyers?

The most common methods to distribute flyers are to the front door of homes, business bulletin boards or parked vehicles in large commercial lots.

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